Easy Ways to Dress Up Your Garden

As winter snows melt and give way to warmer spring temperatures, we revel in the first flower of the season to appear in our garden—the crocus, with its brilliant shades of purple, yellow, and white. This effortless perennial leads us to think ahead to the longer growing and gardening season. While crocuses can pop up…

Outdoor Kitchen | Sovereign Construction Services

Getting Out of the Barbecue Stone Age

Barbecues are a staple of summertime. They’re often the centerpiece of birthday parties, block parties, and Memorial Day weekends. And while hot dogs and burgers are practically synonymous with long weekends and lazy summer nights, the backyard barbecue has advanced beyond prepping picnic table basics. Today’s barbecue makes outdoor cooking a full-fledged culinary experience that…


6 Steps Homeowners Should Take When Remodeling

We’ve all heard stories of remodeling projects gone bad – nightmarish tales of mess, inconvenience, unreliable contractors, hidden pricing. Is it any wonder most people dread the thought of undertaking a home improvement project? But homeowners who do their homework upfront and understand exactly what their project entails can save themselves angst, stress, and maybe…

Replacing Windows | Sovereign Construction Services

Windows: Replacement or New?

When it comes time to replace old, drafty or broken windows in your home, homeowners should do their homework in terms of understanding the differences in type and quality of the many types available. The first decision to be made is if the windows should be new construction or replacement-type windows. But, what is the…


GuildQuality’s 2017 Guildmaster Award Honors Sovereign Construction Services

SOVEREIGN CONSTRUCTION SERVICES OF COLLEGEVILLE, PA RECOGNIZED AMONG THE TOP CUSTOMER SERVICE LEADERS IN THE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY GuildQuality’s 2017 Guildmaster Award Honors Sovereign Construction Services Collegeville, PA, 2/16/2017- Sovereign Construction Services of Collegeville, PA received a 2017 Guildmaster Award from GuildQuality for demonstrating exceptional customer service within the residential construction industry. Since 2005, GuildQuality,…

Old Home Problems | Sovereign Construction Services

Common Problems to Look for in Older Homes

An older home is generally one that was built before 1990. Many older homes offer a charm and appeal not found in more cookie-cutter style housing communities. Thanks to the popularity of home remodeling TV shows, home buyers and do-it-yourselfers are now more willing than ever to consider buying an older home, as they envision…

Bathroom Remodel | Sovereign Construction Services

Bathroom Remodeling Done Right

Bathrooms serve a very functional purpose in the course of our daily lives. There’s nothing particularly dramatic or excessive about toilets, sinks, showers, and tubs. However, there’s no reason a bathroom cannot also be beautiful and give pleasure and comfort to anyone who uses it. Whether it’s a powder room, children’s bathroom, or master bath…

Renovate or Relocate | Sovereign Construction Services

How to Design a Home that Ages with You

As we age, our needs and physical capabilities change. The home we’ve lived in for years may no longer be as comforting as it once was if we’re no longer able to climb stairs or we have special needs that require structural modifications. Recognizing the decision to leave your home is a very difficult and…

Kitchen Remodel | Sovereign Construction Services

Understanding Countertop Choices

Being a homeowner means constantly making important decisions. Every room brings its own challenges, and choosing to remodel requires careful consideration and planning. This is especially true in the kitchen. While kitchen remodeling is a broad subject in its own right, one major aspect includes an especially plentiful range of options: the countertop. Below you’ll…
