Wallpaper is Making a Comeback
Wallpaper is one home décor trend that has enjoyed a comeback in recent years. There is a definite skill to hanging wallpaper correctly, but it is well worth the effort. With so many designs to choose from, wallpaper can add the perfect finishing touch to a room.
Wallpaper has been used as a design element for centuries, dating back to the early 16th century when the peasant class would use it to decorate the insides of cupboards and other small spaces. Gradually, homeowners began hanging it on walls, and the patterns became bigger and bolder. Today, homeowners can choose from subtle or bold designs, patterns with dramatic flair or some texture.
Wallpaper is available in several different applications, as well. Rather than struggling to apply paste to a temperamental roll of wallpaper, homeowners will appreciate the newer styles with applications which are much more user-friendly.
If you’re considering this style choice for your next home remodeling project, let’s first look at the different types of wallpaper:
• Non-pasted. This type is the traditional rolled variety of wallpaper which requires careful planning and application when applying the paste. Although more time-consuming and messier than other styles, non-pasted wallpaper tends to last longer.
• Pre-Pasted. As the saying goes, “just add water” for this type of wallpaper. With just a little bit of water instead of paste, you can hang this wallpaper in less time than the non-pasted type. Unfortunately, it doesn’t usually last as long and must often be reapplied.
• Self-adhesive. If you enjoy redecorating frequently, this type of wallpaper is for you. It comes in a “peel and stick” format, and you only need to peel off the back and apply it where you wish.
There are a range of wallpaper materials available:
• Vinyl. This is the most common because it is very easy to hang and remove. It is also more durable and less likely to rip.
• Paper. Paper wallpaper gives a room a great look. It is also extremely delicate and vulnerable to scratching and tearing. Be extra careful when applying this type of wallpaper.
• Fabric. Fabric wallpaper is a great investment as it adds a look of sophistication and elegance to a room. It is also expensive and difficult to hang. Application is especially important with this type of wallpaper—it’s important to smooth out any wrinkles or creases as you hang it.
• Grass cloth. Think natural fibers like jute, hemp, or arrowroot. Unlike other types of wallpaper, grass cloth wallpapers do not need to match up perfectly, so there is some flexibility in how it is applied.
If you choose patterned wallpaper, be careful when hanging so each piece aligns with the one next to it. If you’re nervous, try papering a smaller dividing or “half” wall rather than papering a larger space.
Sovereign Construction Services is a full-service home construction and remodeling company. If you’re thinking of remodeling and considering wallpaper for your project, contact owner Steve Rush for a free consultation. Steve has years of experience building additions and remodeling living spaces and would be happy to discuss your options. Contact him today at 610-639-2986.