Understanding LED Lighting | Sovereign Construction Services LLC

LED lighting and light fixtures have become commonplace in recent years, thanks to advances in lighting technology and the energy efficiency that comes with it. LED stands for light-emitting diode, and the concept of electroluminescence, where electricity is converted to light, is the main contributor to the development of LED lighting over the past 100+ years. Early LED lighting was developed for commercial use in the 1960s, though in a limited way. As LED technology improved and the cost for it decreased, in the 1990s, LED lighting was developed for more widespread and practical use.

According to the government’s ENERGY STAR website (Learn About LED lights | ENERGY STAR), LED lights produce light with as much as 90 percent efficiency as traditional – incandescent – lights. Interestingly, LED light bulbs do not burn out the way other bulbs do; they, in essence, lose lighting power, referred to as lumen depreciation, and grow dimmer over time. The lifetime of an LED light bulb is determined by an estimation of when the light the bulb emits will diminish by 30 percent.  

We often see colored LED lights in the form of a signal or indicator light, such as you find on power on/off buttons. LED lights are typically blue, green, amber, and red. To produce a white LED light – the color used most often in homes – colored LEDs must either be combined or covered with a special material. The appearance of the light aligns with a temperature on the Kelvin (K) scale, which can range from 2200K for “warm” lighting which is more yellowish, to 6500K for “cool” lighting, which is more bluish.

For a LED bulb to earn the ENERGY STAR certification, the bulb must adhere to certain requirements that ensure the bulb performs the way a standard (i.e., incandescent) bulb would while also saving on your electric bill. Just some of the areas ENERGY STAR checks to validate quality and performance include: the quality of the bulb color; sufficient light output and distribution; meeting testing requirements; clear guidance on light levels/brightness and wattage equivalence; and if the product has a minimum 3-year warranty.  

ENERGY STAR-certified bulbs produce the same brightness (in the form of lumens) as incandescent bulbs, but do so using 70 to 90 percent less energy (watts) and producing far less heat. Additionally, these bulbs last 15 times longer than standard bulbs, which not only saves homeowners money, but is good for the environment. And, LED bulbs come in all types and sizes – standard, 3-way, globe, candle/chandelier, spot, flood, tape/strip, and MR (multifaceted reflector) lights – and can be used in all types of light fixtures, from lamps to ceiling fans to recessed lights to under cabinet lighting and more. LED light bulbs are readily available and can be recycled. ENERGY STAR has put together a helpful LED bulb purchasing guide. If you are still relying on standard incandescent light bulbs for most of your lighting needs, consider making the switch to LED bulbs.    

Sovereign Construction Services is a full-service home construction and remodeling company. Owner Steve Rush is experienced in all types of lights and lighting fixtures. He is available for a free consultation to discuss your lighting needs or any other home improvement project you may have. Call Steve today at 610-639-2986!